Why al-Qardu al-Hasan?



Alhamdulillah , after 4 months struggle for the rise of Q.hasan, finally they have agreed with us. Thanks to all who supported this idea and lets walk the talk!

It is not easy to apply the system of Q.hasan that have been discussed for several months ago. Praise to Allah s.w.t, we have step up the first stage by forming a complete organization who will run the Q.hasan association. Of course, we are in 50-50 condition, wether Q.hasan will be developed successfully or not, but at least we must put a try.

Yes, many will say," if we want to apply this kind of system we must face the risk!".
Actually , they are right in term of fact but wrong in term of attitude. The fact is nothing will be done without risk, and the attitude say ' making profit is with undertaking the risk '(hadith). So, it is true that we will borne laibility or take the risk in applying Q.hasan system but that is what jihad is all about. I would to ask my friends in jamaah, if there any 'jihad' without risk? So, that's what I mean, Q.hasan -with Allah's will- will be our 'jihad maali' , economic struggle and charity. Why can't we consider that? Like some of ikhwah & akhawat promoting 'biah solehah' we also must promote welfare and charity for Allah's pleasure.

I'm optimist to say that Q.hasan will give tremendous impact on Insaniah students welfare and our internal economy. Nevertheless, the effeciency of the system will depend alot firstly on how the authorities of Q.hasan work and run the association. Secondly, it will depend on exco members and students commitment.(of course always never forget the intention or niah lillahi ta'ala). I believe if they really understand and support the Q.hasan it will be easier for us to succeed and it is possible for us to reach RM 20,000 for the 1st month easily and not imposible to reach Rm 100,000 sooner or later. In this case, the one who seat in the Q.Hasan committee must be very very smart in promoting and convincing students to join it. I'allah the next meeting will be on how to promote Q.hasan and convince our students. Of course it will be very difficult and we must discuss about that together.

Q.hasan -with Allah's will- will be a 'change' that will develop our students economically and continuous welfare and charity. So we'll see.... I'allah

-Chairman of BAKA-

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