'Perbincangan Mirath'
Tarikh : 23/4/2010
Masa : 9 a.m
Tempat : C-5
-Semua dijemput hadir-
Pejabat MPM, Biro Akademik.
Seminar Ekonomi Islam
Tempat: Madrasah Az Zubaidiyah (Balai Islam) Merbok, Kedah
Tarikh: 24 April 2010 (Sabtu)
Masa: 8.00 pagi - 6.00 petang
Pendaftaran: RM 100.00
1. Sahibus Samahah Prof. Madya Dato' Sheikh Muhammad Baderudin Hj Ahmad
Mufti Kerajaan Negeri Kedah Darul Aman
2. Prof. Madya Dr. Abdul Aziz Hj Hanafi
Dekan Syariah Kolej Universiti Insaniah (KUIN)
3. Prof. Madya Dr. Asmadi Mohamed Naim
Pensyarah Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)
4. Prof. Madya Dr. Atikullah Hj Abdullah
Pensyarah Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
* Maklumat Lanjut boleh hubungi;
1) Amir 013-4443243
2) Sa'ade 019-5906090
3) Zahir 013-4580159
4) Zamri 019-4524807
Baru-baru ini, sedikit heboh tentang hukuman rejam terhadap penzina di Somalia, akhirnya email besrta gambar rejam yang agak mengerikan ini tersebar dalam manarianz email group (maaf tak dapat sertakan gambar), thanks buat rakan2 Manarianz atas info yang tangkas. Berikutan itu, terdapat beberapa golongan yang meragui perlaksanaan hukuman rejam itu. Adakah cara perlaksanaannya benar? adakah rejam dalam Islam mmg kejam dan zalim?
Alhamdulillah, saudara Uzair Al-madani telahpun memberi sebuah jawapan yang saya rasakan memuaskan dan tepat. Saya ucapkan tahniah buat Ust Uzair yang masih berada di Madinah dan akan menamatkan pengajian tak lama lagi! Syukran ya akhi, pelajar Syariah Insaniah sepatutnya lebih peka dan tangkas dalam mengulas dan membincangkan isu seperti ini... Berikut adalah penulisan ringkas dari saudara Uzair Kuliyah Al-quran dari Madinah Munawwarah,
"Salam semula kepada semua sahabat.....
Jazakumullahu khairan kepada al-akh Fahim al-Yabani al-N9 di atas pertanyaan beliau. Masa awal2 hantar mail tu ingat dah lengkap rupanya masih ada kekurangan. Terima kasih sekali lagi kepada al-akh Fahim kerana menghilangkan rasa syok sendiri dalam diri si pengirim.
Sekali imbas nampak seperti perbuatan yang dilakukan itu tidak ada masalah. Islam melarang umatnya berzina ataupun melakukan perkara yang menghampiri zina. Sekiranya dilakukan maka hukumannya adalah 100 sebatan dan taghrib (buang daerah) bagi yang belum berkahwin serta rejam sampai mati bagi yang sudah berkahwin serta 50 sebatan bagi hamba. Namun suka si pengirim di sini untuk menekankan beberapa perkara....:
Pertama, apabila kita sebagai seorang muslim mengetahui tentang perbuatan zina yang dilakukan oleh orang lain. Apakah tindakan kita? Secara umum ia termasuk dalam perbincangan apabila seseorang muslim itu melakukan kesalahan adakah kita patut mendiamkan kesalahan sambil menasihati mereka supaya bertaubat atau melaporkan kepada pihak berkuasa. Kebanyakan para pengkaji ilmu berpendapat sekiranya kesalahan itu hanya untuk diri sendiri seperti berzina untuk kali pertama lebih aula untuk kita diamkan (tidak memberitahu kepada sesiapa) dan menasihati mereka supaya bertaubat. Islam amat menggalakkan umatnya supaya saling menutup keaiban orang lain walaupun dalam perkara melibatkan hudud. Namun sekiranya perbuatan mereka melibatkan kerosakan pada orang Islam yang lain seperti suka berzina atau merogol atau suka merompak maka wajib untuk diberitahu kepada pemerintah agar mereka dihukum dan orang Islam aman daripada kejahatan mereka.
Keduanya, yang boleh menjatuhkan hukuman terhadap kesalahan-kesalahan yang dilakukan hanyalah seorang pemerintah bukan orang perseorangan atau kumpulan2 tertentu. Kebenaran untuk melakukan hudud, qisas dan takzir hanya milik seorang pemerintah. Ini sekiranya pemerintah itu muslim. Sekiranya pemerintah bukan muslim maka hak penghukuman diberi kepada badan yang mewakili orang2 Islam di sesebuah kawasan.
Ketiganya, Islam mendidik kita supaya tidak terlalu cepat dalam penghukuman. Islam memerintahkan supaya setiap kesalahan yang dilaporkan untuk diselidiki secara mendalam sebelum hukuman dijatuhkan. Apabila lengkap kesemua syarat dan tidak ada keraguan maka hukuman akan dijatuhkan. Dalam kes zina misalnya, amat jarang sekali zina dibuktikan dengan 4 orang saksi. Ia sering dibuktikan dengan iktiraf (pengakuan) atau qarinah (tanda2) seperti mengandung anak luar nikah dan sebagainya.
Keempat, satu kaedah dalam fiqh jenayah. Tolaklah Hudud dengan Syubahat. Prinsip keindahan Islam dalam perundangan dan penghakiman. Prinsip yang ramai orang tidak memberi perhatian ketika menceritakan tentang hukuman jenayah dalam Islam yang menjadi syubhat penting golongan2 yang memusuhi Islam untuk menjatuhkan Islam. Lihat bagaimana Rasulullah Solla Allahu 'alaihi wa Sallam menolak pengakuan Ma'iz Radiallahu 'anhu sahabat baginda yang mengaku berzina. Kali pertama Rasulullah menolak dengan mengatakan : Rasanya kamu hanya bercium. Begitu juga kali kedua dan kali ketiga sehingga pada kali yang terakhir Rasulullah kata kepada Ma'iz : Adakah kamu gila?. Begitu sekali keadaan Rasulullah untuk mendatangkan syubhat agar hukuman dapat dielakkan. Begitu juga dengan kisah perempuan Ghamidiah yang mengaku berzina dimana Rasulullah menolak untuk melakukan hudud kerana perempuan tersebut masih mengandung. Kemudian selepas bersalin Rasulullah tetap tidak melakukan hudud kerana perempuan tersebut masih menyusukan anak. Selepas habis tempoh susuan Rasulullah tetap tidak melakukan hudud dengan alasan anak perempuan itu masih kecil walaupun perempuan tersebut tetap mendesak supaya dia dihukum. Begitu juga dengan kisah para sahabat yang menuduh (qazaf) al-Mughirah bin Syu'bah pada zaman Umar al-Khattab Radiallahu 'anhum jamii'an. Umar tidak menjalankan hudud kerana saksi yang keempat tidak melihat perbuatan tersebut seperti mana 3 orang yang lain. Begitu juga Umar radiallahu 'anhu tidak menjatuhkan hukuman kepada pencuri-pencuri pada 'am al-maja'ah (kemarau yang melanda Madinah) kerana syubhat kekurangan makanan dan kesukaran untuk mendapatkannya ketika itu. Dan kita dengan begitu bersemangat melihat orang melakukan kesalahan dan menuntut supaya dia terus dihukum!!!
Kelima, sesiapa yang meneliti gambar itu pasti dapat melihat batu-batu yang digunakan untuk 'rejam' itu terlalu besar. Jangan kata orang bukan Islam, orang Islam sendiri pasti ngeri melihat keadaan yang berlaku. Adakah Islam, sebuah agama yang membawa rahmah kepada alam keseluruhannya memperlakukan orang sedemikian rupa. Adakah baginda Solla Allahu 'alaihi wa Sallam yang memerintahkan supaya kita berlembut dengan binatang (hadis ke-17 dalam koleksi 40 hadis al-Imam an-Nawawi) dan melarang kita membinasakan tumbuhan ketika peperangan menghukum manusia dengan batu-batu yang begitu besar seolah-olah matlamatnya untuk membunuh.
Keenam, Islam amat menekankan konsep mencari ilmu dan meletakkan ilmu (al-Quran dan as-Sunnah) sebagai neraca timbangan dalam menilai dan menghukum. Semangat itu penting namun mestilah bersandarkan pada ilmu yang kukuh ('ala basiirah) seperti dalam surah Yusuf ayat 108.
Wallahu a'lam. Segala yang baik itu daripada Allah dan yang buruk dan kekurangan itu daripada kelemahan pengirim sendiri.
Salam dari bumi al-Madinah al-Munawwarah."
We take the title from the Quran. The word 'Q.hasan' came from the divine book, but it is not mean only for giving free interest loan, but it has wider meaning which include all kinds of spending in the sake of Allah's pleasure 'infaq fi sabilillah'.
It will not be too difficult for applying the first stage of Q.hasan. Promote the concept and produce well managed system to control the flow of Q.hasan monetary so we will see -i'allah- a brilliant progress after 2 months at least.
The most significant step is to introduce to your members what is Q.hasan?. If we understand the meaning of Q.hasan that mentioned above, it is simple to say that it is a welfare and charity. Islam teach us the great concept of 'ta'awun fil birr' meaning 'cooperation within good deeds and welfare' , if we think deeply we'll find the importance of the very concept. Knowing that a muslim can help or finance 1 or 2 poormen, but if he come to the bigger scale, if he wanted to help 100 people who did'nt have what to eat, of course he need members or other community to form a group of charity. So, this is actually what we want to apply.
What we'll do is collecting or with the exact word 'saving' students money , especially for those who take the PTPTN, and use them to help other students who does in need by giving them free interest loan for their primary needs like food, clothes etc. Some will criticize that how can we take money from students and give it to others?
The answer as bellow :
1) Q.hasan will guarantee the money and keep it safely in a special account in Islamic Bank.
2) The portion that will be used on loan will be limited just for 20% to 25% of the total amount of deposits.
3) Students can deposit their money and withdraw them any time due to the agreement in the Q.hasan form.(of course we'll limit the withdrawal and there will be maturity for the money deposited)
4)In case of desperate, we will allow any of Q.hasan customers to close their account and withdraw all their money.
5) In case of deficiency, HEP or MPM will be the guarantor for the 20%-25% amount that used for the loan.
So, obviously with these 5 points we have answered the question. Now, it is not enough for us to just introducing and answering the question above but indeed we must tell them about Why Q.hasan? What the difference if they save their money or keep it in CIMB or whatever banks?
Firstly, I would like to remind all of those who concern that Q.hasan is not for profitting or commercializing. The fundemental of Q.h is student welfare, never forget. I never say that someday after we have reach RM30-40,000 there will be changes in Q.h policy. But, just remember the fundemental and basic principle that Q.h is for the student welfare. So, for those who seek 'amal jariah' or continuous charity, for they life in hereafter , i'allah the system of Q.h will help them. 20% of total amount in Q.h account will be given to the poor students who do not have money to buy their food , clothes etc. So, -with Allah's will- i'allah everyday all Q.h account users will be receiving continuous reward from Allah s.w.t because they have keep their money in Q.hasan account together and 20% of undivided portion from their money will be used by the poor as loan.
In the same time, they will not borne any burden or feel any insufficient because they can withdraw the money like usual -same as they keep it in the bank- and their money will be guaranteed by the authorities of Q.h.
Secondly, using Q.hasan account is like saving money. It can be used to avoid wasting money in unnecessary things. Some students need this kind of system so they can control their spending and not burn their money with all of luxuries that usually come along when their PTPTN came.
Lastly, it is not a promise but it is our plan to run businesses and making profit with the money. So, we will give all students who use the Q.h account 'hibah' or gift from the profits that came from the businesses and I'm really confident to say that i'allah in the future Q.hasan will give you dividen more than what Bank Islam or CiMB did!
To sum up, we can say that Q.hasan i'allah will give you benefits worldly and in the hereafter. For those who believe....... Allahumma yassir.
Alhamdulillah , after 4 months struggle for the rise of Q.hasan, finally they have agreed with us. Thanks to all who supported this idea and lets walk the talk!
It is not easy to apply the system of Q.hasan that have been discussed for several months ago. Praise to Allah s.w.t, we have step up the first stage by forming a complete organization who will run the Q.hasan association. Of course, we are in 50-50 condition, wether Q.hasan will be developed successfully or not, but at least we must put a try.
Yes, many will say," if we want to apply this kind of system we must face the risk!".
Actually , they are right in term of fact but wrong in term of attitude. The fact is nothing will be done without risk, and the attitude say ' making profit is with undertaking the risk '(hadith). So, it is true that we will borne laibility or take the risk in applying Q.hasan system but that is what jihad is all about. I would to ask my friends in jamaah, if there any 'jihad' without risk? So, that's what I mean, Q.hasan -with Allah's will- will be our 'jihad maali' , economic struggle and charity. Why can't we consider that? Like some of ikhwah & akhawat promoting 'biah solehah' we also must promote welfare and charity for Allah's pleasure.
I'm optimist to say that Q.hasan will give tremendous impact on Insaniah students welfare and our internal economy. Nevertheless, the effeciency of the system will depend alot firstly on how the authorities of Q.hasan work and run the association. Secondly, it will depend on exco members and students commitment.(of course always never forget the intention or niah lillahi ta'ala). I believe if they really understand and support the Q.hasan it will be easier for us to succeed and it is possible for us to reach RM 20,000 for the 1st month easily and not imposible to reach Rm 100,000 sooner or later. In this case, the one who seat in the Q.Hasan committee must be very very smart in promoting and convincing students to join it. I'allah the next meeting will be on how to promote Q.hasan and convince our students. Of course it will be very difficult and we must discuss about that together.
Q.hasan -with Allah's will- will be a 'change' that will develop our students economically and continuous welfare and charity. So we'll see.... I'allah
-Chairman of BAKA-
Munaqasyah Qaah Bahath
Speaker : Abdullah Umayr
Masa : 2.30ptg
Tarikh : 8April, Khamis
Tempat : D1-5
Pejabat MPM, Biro Akademik
Annoucement :
"Special discussion on Al-Tabsyir"
Speaker : Abdullah Umayr bin Mohd Yunus
Vanue : C-5
Date : 8 April , Thursday
Time : 9 a.m
-All students invited-
Alhamdulillah, the night of 'We Support' successfully brought us to the common ground between Malays and all international friends! Of course, for the first time we can seat together, recognize each other, and search for the deepest understanding and pure unity between all students! Here are some galleries of the night 'We support!' enjoy them!
The making of night "We support" , brief discussion with Ustazah Anisah Vice Chairman of the academic Bureau and all of BAKA's adhoc..
The night started with a speech delivered by the chairman of BAKA, he insisted that it is important for the Malays, Chinese, Somalians, Nigerians and the rest to unite and keep searching for the common ground!
Thanks for Mr President Ustaz Muaz for the historical speech 'together we stand'
"Of course we have the points of similarities that shared by all!, and I would like to say that MPM is for all! Malays , Chinese, Somalians, Indonesians and the rest!''
- President of MPM , Muaz-
The night was embraced by Ustzh Zamilah the 1st vice President brilliant speech, she stated that ''we must promote love and compassion! we were bound by Islam''
Ukhuwwah and mahabbah the key for us to succeed..
Muslimat preparing the dinner, delicious! Thanx for Ustazh Anisah!
International members in question-answer session, "we would like to see exco members from our chinese members, nigerians, somalians and the rest.. it is important for us to seat and make decision together!" -chairman of BAKA ust Umayr-
Paying full attention to the student's problems, "the next term will be more better for the international members" -President Ust Muaz-
"We need to open the medium of communication between Malays and the rest, we need to uphold either arabic or english as the 1st language so that we can understand each other" -international member-
"We are in the process of internalization and we will improve for that..actually we have started chinese class and i'allah we'll proceed for the Malay languange" Vice Chairman of International Bureau Ustazh Latifah
Answering students, solving problems....
"The security problems will be solved! it will be more clear after discussion with the authorities.." -Vice President Ustzh Zamilah-
-Together we stand-
Thanks to all of BAKA's members , may Allah bless us!